HACCP Online
9 hours – Achieve your HACCP training certificate online!
View Online TrainingDespite the use of foreign material removal devices in food processing, foreign material is the third most common cause of recalls. Take control of this highly visible and potentially damaging issue of not identifying foreign material by improving your controls and reducing your risks.
This online, self-paced course was created for frontline personnel, quality assurance personnel, supervisors, and managers so the entire team can be calibrated on foreign material management. You will get vital information and strategies for controlling foreign material from scenarios and problems faced specifically by snack foods and baked goods companies.
You can enroll for this course any time. Each interactive lesson has built-in quizzes to test your knowledge. You have three years to complete the course. After finishing the course, you must complete an exam and receive a score of 70% or above. After successful completion, you can print a certificate of completion.
To complete this course, you should have