Intrusion Test

Put Your Food Defense Program to the Test
Consultoría e Inspección
Intrusion Test

Intrusion Test

Put Your Food Defense Program to the Test
Consultoría e Inspección

In this unannounced intrusion test, our food defense expert will scope out your facility and attempt to gain access to your facility’s sensitive areas with a convincing cover story to challenge how your food defense programs and personnel training perform in a real-world scenario. At the end of the day and a half test, you’ll receive an in-depth report of your facility’s strengths and vulnerabilities, so you can close gaps and reinforce your programs.

Candidates for an Intrusion Test:

* Facilities with Sensitive Areas: Facilities that have high-value products, proprietary processes, or sensitive information, and want to ensure these areas are adequately protected against unauthorized access.

* Organizations Concerned About Security Protocols: Facilities that suspect there might be weaknesses in their current security measures or are aware of potential vulnerabilities in their food defense programs.

* Food Defense Program Review: Companies that need to evaluate and enhance the effectiveness of their food defense programs and personnel training to prevent intentional adulteration or sabotage.

Review of Facility's Overall Security (Unlocked entry points, logistic movements, habits of security personnel, and shift changes)

Attempted Entry with Cover Story

Access to Sensitive Areas

Beneficios Clave

Identifique Brechas de Seguridad

Una prueba de intrusión revela vulnerabilidades en la seguridad física de su instalación. Al identificar estas brechas, usted puede tomar medidas proactivas para fortalecer sus protocolos de seguridad y prevenir el acceso no autorizado.

Mejore la Defensa Alimentaria

El informe de esta prueba le ayudará a evaluar la efectividad de sus programas actuales y a realizar las mejoras necesarias para protegerse mejor contra la adulteración intencional o el sabotaje.

Empleados Preparados

Los resultados de la prueba pueden orientar programas adicionales de capacitación y concientización, asegurando que su personal esté alerta y sea capaz de prevenir el acceso no autorizado en el futuro.

How the Intrusion Test Works

* We will coordinate with you to obtain a permit letter, the name of a shift supervisor, site plans, and shift patterns.

* We will visit your facility during daytime and nighttime to note observations and check for unlocked entry points, logistic movements, habits of security personnel, and shift changes.

* Next we will attempt to enter your facility with a convincing cover story.

* If we get inside, we will attempt to access as many sensitive areas as we can.

* At the end of the intrusion test, we will meet with the on-site team to discuss the exercise and findings.

* We will provide a detailed report so you can close gaps and strengthen your facility’s food defense programs.