Inocuidad y Sanidad Alimentaria

Manténgase actualizado en inocuidad alimentaria y saneamiento con este completo curso autodirigido, ideal para capacitar o incorporar supervisores y gerentes. Elija entre paquetes predefinidos o personalice los módulos según sus necesidades. Para equipos grandes, obtenga una licencia multiusuario para ahorrar y gestionar fácilmente a los usuarios.
Curso en Lí­nea Mixto Inglés
Inocuidad y Sanidad Alimentaria

Inocuidad y Sanidad Alimentaria

Manténgase actualizado en inocuidad alimentaria y saneamiento con este completo curso autodirigido, ideal para capacitar o incorporar supervisores y gerentes. Elija entre paquetes predefinidos o personalice los módulos según sus necesidades. Para equipos grandes, obtenga una licencia multiusuario para ahorrar y gestionar fácilmente a los usuarios.
Curso en Lí­nea Mixto Inglés
The multi-user license option is for managing multiple team member's training. If you are purchasing for a single user please click here

Keep your team’s training organized with a multi-user license! When you purchase a multi-user license, you can assign the course to multiple team members and track their progress all through our convenient online portal. 

In the full course, over the course of 24 modules, our experts will teach you team how sanitation, pest management, and other key prerequisite programs impact your ability to meet food safety expectations and produce safe food products. Learning these crucial concepts will help support your development and management of critical food plant programs that allow you to produce safe, legal food products and exceed your customers’ food safety expectations.

The Integrated Pest Management package includes 8 modules which cover the regulatory impact of pest management, the identification of common pests, the recognition of pest activity, and the use of pest control strategies. It also will help forge a stronger relationship between the food safety team, pest control contractors, and auditors.

✴Just buying for an individual? If you are looking for the single-user version of the full Food Safety and Sanitation Online training package click here.

Full Course
Perfect for managers and supervisors, this course ensures your team is current and informed on important food safety, sanitation and U.S. regulatory requirements for your facility.

Integrated Pest Management Training Package
This training package is perfect for pest control personnel in the food industry or anyone who manages a pest control program in a food or beverage manufacturing facility. Our pest management specialists developed and selected eight topics that support Pest Control organizations to exceed their clients’ expectations.


Full Course

  • Sanitation (75 minutes)
  • Personnel Practices (60 minutes)
  • Body Fluids (30 minutes)
  • Allergens (80 minutes)
  • Transportation and Storage (50 minutes)
  • Integrated Pest Management (120 minutes)
  • Maintenance (60 minutes)
  • Sanitary Design (80 minutes)
  • Chemical Control (40 minutes)
  • Air and Water Quality (35 minutes)
  • Operational Methods (45 minutes)
  • Physical Foreign Material Control (75 minutes)
  • Traceability (50 minutes)
  • Recall (50 minutes)
  • Food Defense (50 minutes)
  • Microbial Control (40 minutes)
  • Environmental Monitoring (50 minutes)
  • Customer Complaints (40 minutes)
  • Quality Control (60 minutes)
  • Regulatory Overview (70 minutes)
  • Self-Inspection and Internal Audits (80 minutes)
  • HACCP (110 minutes)
  • HARPC (60 minutes)
  • Foreign Supplier Verification Programs (40 minutes)

24 hours and 10 minutes total

Integrated Pest Management Training Package

  1. Sanitation (75 minutes)
  2. Personnel Practices (60 minutes)
  3. Integrated Pest Management (120 minutes)
  4. Maintenance (60 minutes)
  5. Sanitary Design (80 minutes)
  6. Operational Methods (45 minutes)
  7. Food Defense (50 minutes)
  8. Self-Inspection and Internal Audits (80 minutes)

9 hours and 30 minutes total

To complete this course, you should have the following:

  • Internet access
  • Email account for admin
  • The latest version of Chrome, Firefox or Edge. Learn More

Beneficios Clave

Flexibilidad de Contenido

Adquiera los 24 temas como un paquete completo, un paquete de 8 módulos específicos de Manejo Integral de Plagas, o seleccione los módulos individuales que usted y su equipo necesiten reforzar.

A su Propio Ritmo

Este curso es "self-paced". Elija el momento y el día que mejor le convenga para realizar cada módulo. Puede pausarlo y volver a él las veces que necesite.

100% Interactivo

Diseñado con técnicas de diseño instruccional para adultos, nuestro curso ofrece una experiencia de aprendizaje interactiva y eficiente.

Benefits of a Multi-User License

Keep Track of Your Team’s Progress
The license administrator will be able to enroll students, view student’s progress, and access student grades and transcripts all through our online portal.

24/7 Access
Flexible program that will allow students to progress at their own pace.

Certificate of Completion
After students pass a post-test, they will be allowed to print a certificate online. Program administrators can also print each student’s certificate.

Choose the Content That Is Right for Your Team
Select between two package options Integrated Pest Management or the full course.